Category Spotlight: Digital Virtual Assistants

Digital virtual assistant (DVA) technology, also known as online chatbots and digital care navigators, is one of the top digital health trends hospital leaders should watch. DVA tools can be implemented as AI assistants using voice and chat, call center automation, and conversational intelligence.

DVA tools are revolutionizing healthcare by enabling providers to deliver more efficient and effective patient-centered care. By using natural language processing (NLP) to understand patients’ needs, these platforms have the capability to respond with relevant, personalized information, improving overall patient engagement and satisfaction.

By automating routine tasks and processes such as appointment scheduling, medication reminders, and follow-up calls, these platforms reduce administrative burdens for healthcare providers, freeing up staff time and resources for more critical tasks. Additionally, DVA platforms utilize real-time data sharing, which aids in improved decision-making and care coordination. 

Overall, digital virtual assistant tools are transforming healthcare by addressing key pain points in the industry and providing patients with access to convenient, personalized, and high-quality care.

Panda Health is pleased to offer three industry-leading suppliers within our DVA category. These suppliers are designed specifically to implement conversational AI technology across your organization.

Panda Health has selected three to launch the Digital Virtual Assistant category in our marketplace. Through our intensive market intelligence and vetting process, we identified the top use cases and best practices for Digital Virtual Assistants.