Panda Health Platform Training Resources

Panda Health Platform Training Resources

Let’s get started on creating or updating your Panda Health Platform company profile and product listing(s). Follow this step-by-step guide to optimize your company page and product listing. 

Step 1: Accessing the Panda Health Platform

Establish your user account by creating your profile as a new vendor or logging in with the your previous login details. 

Our intuitive platform is designed to guide you seamlessly through the process of creating your new profile and first product. 

Login HERE

Step 2: Your Company Information

During the initial setup, you will have the opportunity to update your company information. Please check any information that may be imported from Pitchbook and add your website URL. 

Your company information can be updated at any time, and can be accessed from your dashboard. 

Step 3: Your Dashboard

The Dashboard is where you can access your company page and product pages.  You will see which listings have been published and which are in your drafts

Step 4: Creating Your First Product

In this section, you can create your first product listing and select the categories that best align with your product’s functionality.

  • You can select up to 5 categories.
  • You can also select up to 25 keywords per category. Keywords enhance your product’s searchability, enabling our members to locate the products that have the answers to their current issues.

Congratulations! You have successfully added your first product!

Your product listing will be listed in drafts on your Dashboard. From the Dashboard, you can select the product and add the use cases and additional details about your product’s features and functionality.  

Step 5: Editing a Product

Remember, your product listing is only available to view when it is published.

Select any product listing under Published or Drafts to edit.

Any registered users in your company will have access to view and edit your product profiles. They will appear on your dashboards under Published or Drafts. Please consider the following:

  • Each user must request access to receive an invite to create a user profile.
  • Once a user profile is created, users will be able to view the published products and draft products.
  • Only one user may edit a product at a time.
  • Each product will have a time stamp to show when it was edited last and the editor.

Step 6: Editing your Overview


    • Highlight your product’s functionality and features.
    • Describe how hospitals and health systems use your product or tool, you can use client testimonials here as well.

Use Cases

    • Select use cases identified by Panda Health and add your own use cases that align with your product’s functionality.
    • Include additional use cases and use case details in this section.

EHR offerings

    • Highlight how your product supplements or outperforms EHR functionalities.


    • Add images, videos, product screenshots and resources in this section.
    • The resources that can be added are whitepapers, one pager, case studies, data sheets and more! Up to 10 files of each type can be added.
    • The media files added are great ways to showcase the unique functionality of your product.

Step 7: Submit for Approval

Once you have added all the information, select Submit for Approval in the upper right corner.

Panda Health will complete a quick review of your profile and publish it, enabling it to appear in the search results.

Please contact for assistance.